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- 1 Facebook post
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- 1 Linkedin post new
- X
- X
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for 3 months | + VAT
- 2 categories
- 2 locations
- 2 images
- 2 videos
- Google Map
- No “nofollow” for links
- 1 Facebook post
- 1 X post
- 1 Medium post
- 1 Linkedin post new
- Featured marked
- X
- X
- X
- X
for 3 months | + VAT
- 3 categories
- 5 locations
- 5 images
- 5 videos
- Google Map
- No “nofollow” for links
- 3 Facebook posts
- 3 X posts
- 3 Medium posts
- 3 Linkedin posts new
- Featured marked
- Sticky (top positions)
- Allow to select map markers
- Development 10% discount
- Marketing 10% discount
Several reasons to add your business
Will noticeably improve your brand recognizing.
Bring more real customers to your website.
Increase customer visits from social networks.
Promote your business in search engines.